PerfTechPro zAnalytics ® – First Day Support of the New IBM z14 ZR1

Includes support for automated collection, analysis and modeling

New York, April 10, 2010 — PerfTechPro zAnalytics ® – assists managing R4HA, software costs, supports new enhancements for HyperDispatch and SMT. The CPM solution PerfTechPro zAnalytics offers a very cost effective solution which allows customers to take full advantage of the z14.

PerfTechPro delivers insights that can dramatically reduce costs by allowing IT management professionals to precisely manage the processing capacity of enterprise servers.

Our capacity management solutions provide business value by ensuring enterprise server resources are sized correctly for maximum performance and cost-savings, but we also take great pride in making sure that we are easy to do business with, and simplify rather than complicate, our customers’ lives.
Additional information about PerfTechPro can be found at, or by calling toll-free, 1-855-PerfTechPro (855-737-3832).